
5 reasons for switching to self-consumption

5 motivos para pasarse al autoconsumo eléctrico (1)

Are you thinking about switching to self-consumption and installing solar panels in your home, but still have a few questions and concerns? Here at My Green House, we’re going to give you 5 fundamental factors that will help you make the decision. They aren’t the only ones, but, in our opinion, they are the most […]

Solar batteries: get the most out of your installation

Solar Batteries, baterías solares

Solar batteries are a good way to get the most out of your photovoltaic installation. Not only will they help you cut your electricity costs, but they’ll also bring you closer to an almost totally independent self-consumption model. Even though solar batteries are an excellent resource to achieve maximum profitability, we’ll tell you exactly what […]

How to be sustainable in your own home 22 steps towards sustainability

ser sostenibles, tips | How to be sustainable

Are you familiar with the concepts of self-consumption, zero waste, cruelty-free, and being eco-friendly? They’re all related to the idea of being sustainable. Sustainability is an idea that, on the one hand, is focused on meeting the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations, and, on the other hand, on guaranteeing […]

Solar energy: Applications you weren’t aware of

La energía solar, usos que desconocías | Solar energy

The photovoltaic effect, discovered by the French physicist Becquerel in 1839 and implemented for the first time in 1883, when Charles Fritts built the first solar cell, was the driving force behind the development of what is, to date, one of the world’s most crucial renewable energies: solar energy. Photovoltaic effect – What is it […]

The ways we waste electricity and how to avoid them

electricity | Cómo evitar el malgasto de la energía eléctrica

Electricity plays a fundamental role in our daily lives, but it’s also the largest fluctuating household expense, as well as the biggest source of CO₂ emissions. Finding ways to reduce electricity consumption not only reduces the cost of your monthly electricity bill, but it’s also vital if you’re looking for greater sustainability and energy efficiency. […]

Solar energy: Myths and Facts

Energía solar, solar energy

Even though the financial benefits of solar energy are indisputable, some people still doubt its profitability. Here at My Green House we want to debunk 5 of the most common myths about solar energy so that you have a clearer vision of its possibilities. 1. “Photovoltaic solar energy is expensive” Until just over a decade […]

What you need to know before buying solar panels

Consejos antes de la compra de placas solares / solar panels

Nowadays, the average repayment period for  a photovoltaic installation is usually between 5-6 years. Nevertheless, it is a major investment and we recommend that you take the time to find out about all the different options available to you, weighing up the pros and cons of each one. There is a wide range of brands […]

Photovoltaic installation: discover all its different components

photovoltaic installation

Producing electricity in our own home or business has become a reality thanks to self-consumption solar installations, which we are coming across more and more frequently on the roofs of houses, buildings, and industrial warehouses. The most conspicuous and obvious elements are the solar panels themselves, but photovoltaic installations have other components too. Some are […]

Tips on how to save on your electric bill with electrical self-consumption

Ahorra en tu factura de la luz con autoconsumo eléctrico | save on your electric bill

The financial savings obtained with photovoltaic panels are indisputable, both at an industrial and domestic level. In fact, one of the most notable benefits of self-consumption is the quick return on investment, which leads to a rapid amortisation. But is there any way to further reduce our electric bill with this type of installation? The […]