Self-consumption kit: everything you need for your photovoltaic installation

Get the most out of your solar panels: save on your electricity bill and generate your renewable energy.

Get the most out of your photovoltaic system

Solar panels

Solar panels are responsible for transforming solar radiation into electrical energy. Because of this, their performance is crucial to the installation’s ability to provide you with the energy you need.

And so that the performance of your photovoltaic installation is the maximum, we offer you the most efficient and safest panels: those on the TIER1* list.

In addition, the panels we install are monocrystalline with power ranging from 450 W to 550 W to adapt them to your space and power needs.

The most common brands we work with are RISEN, JA SOLAR and JINKO.

*(The TIER1 list classifies the leading manufacturers of photovoltaic panels).


Inverters convert direct current energy generated by photovoltaic panels into alternating current energy. With an inverter, you can use electricity in your home or inject it into the grid (the energy you don’t need).

Which inverter should you install? 

We recommend hybrid inverters, as they are versatile and allow you to connect them to storage batteries. Depending on the characteristics of your home, we can install two types of inverters:

+ Single-phase with power ratings from 2 to 6 kW.

+ And three-phase with power ratings from 3 to 10 kW.

When installing a photovoltaic system on an industrial scale, however, we can reach up to 100 kW. As a result, we customize the installation to meet your needs. HUAWEI, SAJ, FRONIUS, and SOLAX are some of the brands we work with.


How about the energy you produce but don’t use? When you don’t want to channel the electricity into the grid, store it in a storage battery. As a result, you can use the energy generated by your photovoltaic installation whenever you need it.

Of course, storage systems must be compatible with the inverter you install.

Our Huawei inverter, for example, uses batteries from the same manufacturer, the LUNA model, with 5 kWh of accumulation. The SAJ inverter, on the other hand, allows for a greater range of accumulation and flexibility in installation design thanks to its compatibility with more batteries.

In this case, the SAJ 5.1 kWh or PYLONTECH 2.4 kWh batteries allow you to increase the capacity of the accumulation systems.

All these batteries are modular, which makes it easy to increase the capacity of the storage systems.

Ecombi Solar heating solar storage heaters

Are you interested in using the surplus energy from your photovoltaic system? Then install a solar storage tank for heating.

Ecombi SOLAR is a static storage heater designed to provide a constant heat transfer throughout the day by using the surplus energy from the solar panels.

In addition, if the surplus is not sufficient to provide heating, Ecombi SOLAR can top up its energy charge by using the electricity grid to provide 24-hour heating, if the user so wishes.

Configure the operation of Ecombi Solar, access the installation’s history and control the energy surplus from anywhere via the free Elnur Wifi Control App.


Would you like to talk to one of our experts?

If you already have solar panels, make the most of your installation with a self-consumption kit. Do you have any doubts? Fill in this form and one of our team of experts will contact you to offer you the most suitable solution.