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Self consumption solar panels

Self-consumption solar panels for companies and businesses

Category: Photovoltaic Energy - Corporate


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Controlling energy consumption and managing it more efficiently is one of the main challenges facing companies, and there are two main reasons for this. The first is the increase in the price of electricity and its impact on production costs, and the second is the responsibility that businesses and companies have to commit themselves to the fight against climate change.

For this reason, and for many years now, companies have been implementing energy efficiency programmes that include investment in renewable energies.


The importance of solar energy for Spanish companies

According to a report compiled by REN21, industry consumes almost 35% of the total energy produced on a global level.

Around 75% of this usage goes towards heating. The remaining percentage is electrical, including the operation of machinery or lighting.

REN21 data reveals that renewable energies can meet up to 14.5% of the total energy requirements of the industrial sector.

Spain is one of the countries with the most annual hours of sunshine (around 2,500), and so it can be considered a stable and, to a certain extent, a predictable and reliable resource.

In fact, in our country, solar energy is one of the fastest growing renewable energy sources in recent years, along with wind and hydroelectric power.

The savings are considerable; thanks to self-consumption solar panels, electricity bills can be cut by between 40 and 60%.

But are financial savings the only reason to go solar?


Solar panels for companies and businesses: why it’s a good choice


1. Lower costs

The price of solar panels has fallen considerably in recent years. This reduction in price makes photovoltaic installations affordable for companies and companies and businesses of all sizes and in all sectors.

Another advantage of installing solar panels for companies is the potential to generate a significant part of the energy required autonomously. Why? Because the majority of companies’ opening and production hours coincide with daylight hours, which are the hours when the photovoltaic installation will work at full capacity.

Moreover, these are the hours when the price of electricity is usually the highest.

In this respect, photovoltaic solar energy is a great strategic asset for any business.


2. Fixed prie energy for over 20 years

Even though we will reap benefits right from the very first moment, solar panel installation for companies should be seen as a long-term investment. In a sense, what we are doing is paying “in advance” for some of the electricity that we are going to consume over the next 25 or 30 years. And, even better than that, this electricity will cost nothing from around years 6 to 8, which is when you will achieve your return on investment.

Considering market volatility and the steady increase in energy prices in recent times, self-consumption solar installations help companies to plan their expenses better, thus enabling them to explore new investments with greater certainty.


3. Increases competitiveness

Being more energy efficient means significant savings in production costs, which, in turn, leads to lower prices and investments, as well as the availability of extra funds to develop new strategies to help your company grow.

These three aspects make companies much more competitive in the market, regardless of their sector.

In the same way, installing solar panels in a company brings with it a modern and innovative image, in line with a philosophy based on social responsibility. This can bring you distinct advantages when customers and potential customers compare you to other companies in the sector. A company that respects the environment is perceived as serious, committed, and socially responsible, aspects that customers tend to value positively.


4. More accesible financing or funding

Solar self-consumption projects for companies are considered to be both profitable and secure. Added to this, installation companies and even local governments are offering increasingly flexible financing options.

There are even several platforms promoting the collective financing of renewable energy projects, as well as public aid and subsidies (local, national and European) with which you can cover up to 50% of the total cost of the solar installation.

Are you looking to install solar panels in your company or business? Are you looking for an installation company with full guarantees? In that case, we highly recommend you to contact us. At MyGreenHouse we will evaluate your case, and give you the best options. We will also advise you as to which grants and subsidies you can apply for.

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