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MyGreenHouse: Solar panel companies you can trust

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2022 is bringing us many challenges in terms of energy efficiency. One of the most crucial is to know how to overcome the continuous rise in electricity prices, which have reached record highs over the past year. One option in this respect is to get advice from reliable solar panel companies. 

Saving money is one of the main reasons that people install photovoltaic panels in their homes, but it isn’t the only one. Due to the current energy legislation in our country, many citizens are looking for alternatives that can guarantee a smooth transition and a long-term, sustainable energy model. 

Moreover, in our increasingly environmentally-aware society, both companies and families see self-consumption as an opportunity to “do their bit” to reduce CO emissions, to look after the environment, and to combat climate change. In fact, solar energy is considered to be “the energy of the future” because of its practically zero impact on the environment.

Solar panel companies: how to choose the right one?

Solar panels

Installing a photovoltaic system in our home or business is always worthwhile. The financial savings are significant right from day one, and the initial investment is recouped in a relatively short period of time. 

However, when trying to make this decision, many questions may arise, that only professional solar panel companies can provide the answers to. 

Of course, the simplest thing to do is to request offers from several different companies and choose the one that best fits your budget. 

However, this isn’t always the best way of doing things, and we shouldn’t base our decision solely on price. Why not? Because, even though it isn’t a particularly complex type of installation, certain factors can influence or dictate the installer that we finally choose. Some examples include the materials they work with, how they calculate the size of the installation, and the financing options they offer.  

Four factors to take into account when you choose a solar panels company

  • Experience

Our advice is to always put your faith in experienced, reputable solar panel companies. 

The MyGreenHouse project was born from the pooling of resources of companies and managers with more than 25 years of experience in sectors closely related to photovoltaic energy, such as air conditioning, renewable energies, engineering studies, and responsible communication. 

Thanks to this, we have been able to form a multidisciplinary team with two clear objectives. On the one hand, we want to share our experience and harness it for change. On the other hand, we want to offer individuals and companies a comprehensive service covering the entire process, right from the initial consultation, to the commissioning and maintenance of the installation, including a comprehensive assessment process.

  • A customised evaluation

Another key to choosing the best solar panel companies is to ensure that they carry out their own projects. 

At MyGreenHouse, we believe that, in order to achieve optimal performance from a photovoltaic installation, it’s essential to carry out a personalised study beforehand, to tailor each project to the user’s needs, both in terms of performance, budget, and expectations, whether these be functional or aesthetic. 

This initial study is free of charge and without any obligation. In addition, you can be confident that your installation will have been designed according to your specific needs. In this regard, the number of solar panels and their placement directly affect the optimization of the system and its energy production.

  • Personalised financing

The solar panel companies you approach for a quote should offer you a suitable method of financing your investment, as you may not be able to afford to pay upfront for a PV system. 

At MyGreenHouse, we believe that ease of payment is a key aspect that helps our customers to take the plunge towards self-consumption. 

We currently finance photovoltaic projects for individuals and companies for up to 132 months, giving them the option to choose the number of installments that best suits their needs.

  • A comprehensive evaluation

In the same vein, we are in no doubt about the importance of cooperation in order to pave the way for a real transition towards a more efficient world. 

For this reason, here at MyGreenHouse, we are not only installers; we are energy advisors and we answer your questions throughout the whole purchase and installation process, including all the pertinent information to get your photovoltaic system up and running. We also apply for licenses and permits, and manage the subsidies for new installations from your local council or autonomous community.


Photovoltaic installations are a great investment. If you are thinking of taking the step towards renewable energies, you should look for reliable solar panel companies that provide you with the best purchasing experience, personalised projects, customised financing, and a clear, reliable service. 

Are you looking for a solution to give you great energy savings at home? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. It will be a pleasure to answer any questions you may have, and give you no-obligation advice.

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